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something something adonai something something

אהבה את ה 'אלוקיך בכל לבבך ואת בכל נפשך ואת נפש עם כל שלך

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13y ago
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13y ago

if you are a woman, say: ah-NEE oh-HEV-et oht-KHA, ah-doh-NAH-ee.

if you are a man, say: ah-NEE oh-HEV oht-KHA, ah-doh-NAH-ee.

kh is pronounced like ch in german.

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12y ago

Translation: Elohim hu hamelech sheli (אלקים הוא המלך שלי) (This means "God is my King")

Translation: Elohim hu ha-adon sheli (אלקים הוא האדון שלי) (This means "God is my Lord")

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13y ago

a female says: ani ohevet et nafshi (אני אוהבת את נפשי)

a male says: ani ohev et nafshi (אני אוהב את נפשי)

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12y ago

If you are a woman, you would say: ani ohevet et hashem (אני אוהבת את ה׳)

If you are a man, you would say: ani ohev et hashem (אני אוהב את ה׳)

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12y ago

a male says: Adonai, ani tsarikh otkha bekhol levavi

a female says: Adonai, ani tsrikha otkha bekhol levavi

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6y ago

God loves us = Elohim ohev otanu (אלהים אוהב אותנו)

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13y ago

mikol libi (מכל ליבי)

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ahavat elohim (אהבת אלוקים)

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Q: How do you say i love you lord in Hebrew?
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How do you say lord in Hebrew?


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In modern Hebrew: Hashem diber (השם דיבר) or (ה' דיבר).

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from Psalm 106:4Remember me, Lord = זָכְרֵנִי יהוה (zochreni, Adonai)

How do you tell the Lord that you Love Him in Hebrew?

a male would say: ani ohev et hashem (אני אוהב את ה׳) a female would say: ani ohevet et hashem (אני אוהבת את ה׳)

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Hashem ohev etkhem (ה׳ אובה אתכם)

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What did Reverend Brown say in Coming to the US?

I Love the Lord. I LOVE the Lord. And if lovin the Lord is wrong.......I dont wanna be right!