It's written as 여러분 사랑해요 and pronounced 'yeo-ro-boon sa-rang-hae-yo.'
I LOVE YOU -It doesn't mean i love you.It doesnt really have a meaning in the Korean language tho. I am a Korean native.I asked my parents and grand parents and my Korean speaking family they say it does not.
my love
No, "sheegu" does not mean family in Korean. The correct term for family in Korean is "가족" (gajok).
나는 그와 사랑에 = i am in love with him
The sentence "I still love you" could be 아직 사랑해 (ijig saranghae)in Korean.
just say : Saranghe sergie
가족 ga-jok
ni sarang
Saranghae aliza
사랑에 빠지게 됩니다 = are you fall in love
i think it will be Saranay...