"Diarrhea" in Spanish is "diarrea". It is pronounced "dee-ah-RAY-ah". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation: http://www.answers.com/library/Translations
My hamster has diarrhea = Mein Hamster hat Durchfall.
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how do you say sister in spanish
How do you say canvas in spanish
how to say Amer in Spanish
you say it in spanish as- sarina
how do you say the alamo in spanish
In Spanish, Kirby is pronounced as "Ker-bee." The letter "i" in Spanish is pronounced as "ee," and the letter "y" is pronounced as "ee" as well. Therefore, the pronunciation of Kirby in Spanish follows these phonetic rules.
How to say dinah in spanish