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"I hope you are having a good day" in Spanish is "Espero que tienes un buen día". It is pronounced "Eh-SPARE-oh kay tee-EHN-ace oon bwayne DEE-ah." Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

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11y ago

You'd better say:

Le / les / lo / los / la / las / te / os extraño y espero que le / les / te / os vaya bien.

Not really to be correctly understood by native Spanish-speakers: Te echo de menos y espero que lo estan haciendo bien.

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13y ago

Spanish is much, much more rigorous about the person being addressed or talked about than English is. Spanish necessarily distinguishes between everyone of us, everyone of you, and everyone of them. When 'you' is involved, there are two types of yous: you formal and you familiar. That means that there are no fewer than four (4) ways to say "I hope everyone's good."

I hope everyone (of us) is good.

Espero que todos estemos bien.

I hope everyone (of you, formal and familiar in Spanish America; only formal in Spain) is good.

Espero que todos estén bien.

I hope everyone (of you, familiar in Spain) is good.

Espero que todos estéis bien.

I hope everyone (of them) is good.

Espero que todos estén bien.

Additionally, if ALL of us, you, or them are exclusively female, then it is proper to substitute todas for todos... making another 4 ways to say "I hope everyone's good."

You can also say, "Espero que todo el mundo sea bueno," without regard for number, gender, etc. However, while correct, this latter expression is unusual. The former expressions essentially mean, "I hope everyone's in good health or nothing bad has happened to us/you/them," whereas this latter expression means, "I hope everyone is morally righteous and behaves themselves."

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16y ago

Espero que te encuentres bien.

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15y ago

Espero que todo esté bien.

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15y ago

Esperamos que tenga una buena vida

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14y ago

Espero que tengas una buena...

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11y ago

Espero que esté siendo un buen día.

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