ذكرى سعيدة
Ana bahebik
Happy new year : sanaa sa'eeda ( in Arabic ). and it is written this way : سنة سعيدة
Happy marriage ,, if you mean by that as ( congratulation ) Happy marriage : in Arabic you say -- zawaaj sae'eed but actually we don't say that in this occasion we say Congratulation which means -- Mabrouk in Arabic hope that helps :)
al-town al-saeed
Happy thanks giving : Eid shokr sa'ed written : عيد شكر سعيد
Imak Sharmuta (Pronounced Eemahk Sharmootuh.
Perhaps that's because it's a traditional greeting
To say happy birthday to a Lebanese girl, you would say "kull sana wa inta tayyib." This varies slightly from standard Arabic.
Translation: madha sayaj3alak sa3idan (ماذا سيجعلك سعيدا)
im not sure how you say it but that's how you write it..........................الأعياد Typically people say: 3o6la sa3ida (عطلة سعيدة) Note: 3 represents the Arabic letter "Ayin" and 6 represents the Arabic "Ta" which is stronger that the English "t".
If you want to say Arabic in Arabic this is how you say it=Arabi