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מעשים טובים - Good Deeds

מִצוָה - Commandment (like the 10 Commandments) "Mitzvah" More commonly known as "good deed" in Yiddish and non-Hebrew speakers. 99.9% of the time this is the word you will hear when someone means to say Good Deeds in Hebrew or Yiddish.

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11y ago

gmilut chasadim (גמילות חסדים)

Many people believe that Mitzvot (מצוות) are Good Deeds because this mistranslation has become rather commonplace. Gmilut Chasadim (as above) is the proper translation for Good Deeds. Mitzvot, properly translated, means Commandments or Orders.

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13y ago

ma'aseh tov (מעשה טוב)

Many Jews mistakenly believe that the word mitzvah means "good deed", but mitzvah actually refers to an obligation to do good.

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tsedakah (צדקה) which literally means "righteousness" or "that which is right".

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nedivut lev (נדיבות לב)

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No Good Deed was created on 2003-09-12.

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