The German word for favourite is the suffix lieblings-, favourite car - mein Lieblingsautomy favourite time of the year - meine Lieblingsjahreszeit
sein Lieblingslied ist is the translation in German. It is
translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the
European countries.
How do you say My Favourite Colour Is Lime In German?
meine Lieblingsfarbe ist Kalk is the translation in German. It
is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in
the European countries.
How do you do you say what is your favorite hobbies in German?
What is your favourite hobby? - Was ist Dein/Ihr
What are your favourite hobbies? - Was sind Deine/Ihre
Lieblingstach is not a word in German. The closest German word is Lieblingsfach, which means favourite subject.Dein Lieblingsfach means your favourite subject.