eye = oculus
Oculus animae.
Tertius oculus.
In Pig Latin, the name "Cheyanne" would be pronounced as "Eyannechay."
Pig Latin for 'welcome to my house' is 'el-com-way oo-tay eye-may ouse-hay'.
The Latin root word of ocular is "oculus," which means "eye" in Latin.
In Pig Latin, "love my baby" would be "ovelay ymay abybay."
ocul (us,i)..ophthalm(o)-eye,,itis-inflammation inflammation of eye= *oculitis*,you don't use ophthalmitis!..cos the creators said so!xD
In Latin, you would pronounce it fee-lee-eye loon-eye. In English, you can pretty much say it any way you want. For common Latin words used in English, there is often a "way" to say them, as in sine die. In Latin, sine die is sin-ay dee-ay, but legislatures everywhere say sign-ee die (referring to the last moment of a legislative session).
In Pig Latin, "hello" would be "ellohay" and "goodbye" would be "oodbyegay."
Eye in latin is: Oculus, it's plural form is: Oculi.