The translation is Ekstase.
The drug ist also called Ecstasy in German.
Ecstasy is spelled the same in French, as it is a borrowed word which has not been translated.
yes ... žMDMA was first synthesised by a German chemist in 1914 is was controlled by Merck Pharmaceutical Company
No. Merck, the German pharmaceutical company invented MDMA in the early 1900s.
Scientifically ecstasy is known as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Since that is a mouthful and is hard to say it is abbreviated to MDMA. You can abbreviate ecstasy with "X" or "XTC" but those are not official abbreviations like MDMA is. Ecstasy can also be known as Adam and if it is pure will sometimes be called Molly(Ecstasy off the street is almost never pure).
Taking ecstasy can make one see things that are not really there in reality. Some people who have taken ecstasy claim to have seen angels and demons standing in front of them. Some say that ecstasy just makes them sensitive to certain lighting. However, ecstasy's effects on people vary greatly. Some do not feel ecstasy, while some feel it greatly.
it doesnt! ---- Many people say its harder to get an erection when on ecstasy. Also, it is much harder to orgasm. yes it does!
L'estasi di Santa Teresa
No. People say jumping off cliffs is dangerous for a veyr good reason; the same goes for ecstasy and most other illegal drugs.
How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"
To say body in German it is Körper
Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.