There is no single Hebrew word that means "Hello darling", but you can say it in two words: shalom, motek (שלום, מותק)
motek, pronounced MOH-teck
The word "Cheryl" translates into Hebrew as שריל
달링 = darling
In Pashto, you say darling as "پیاره" (pyara).
You can say "عزیزم" (azizam) in Persian to mean "my darling."
Darling is kulta in Finnish.
this is how you say Darling in Polish:Kochanie
Bubbala is not in Hebrew. It's Yiddish, and it means "A term of endearment, darling." See the Related Link.
You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew
In Berber, you can say "azul" to address someone affectionately like darling.