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Friends in Christ = חברי ישו (khah-veh-REI ye-SHU-ah)

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a male "friend of" = khavehr shel (חבר של)

a female "friend of" = khavehrah shel (חברה של)

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male friends or a mixed group: חברים (khaverim)

all female friends: חברות (khaverot)

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Hebrew has no word for disciple, so the word for "student" is substituted:

talmidei yeshu (תלמידי ישו)

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achyot shema'aminot beyeshu (אחיות שמאמינות בישו)

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Chaver brit, pronounced khah-VEHR BREET

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Q: How do you say covenant friend in Hebrew?
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How do you say happy holidays friend in Hebrew?

Chag sameach, chaverim!

How do you say our friend in Hebrew?

our (male) friend = חבר שלנו (khaver shelanu) our (female) friend = חברה שלנו (khaverah shelanu)

Who made a covenant with God in which Canaan was promised to the Hebrew people?

Abraham made a covenant with God in which Canaan was promised to the Hebrew people as an everlasting possession. This covenant plays a significant role in the history and identity of the Jewish people.

What is the Hebrew word for covenant?

The Hebrew word for covenant is 'Brit' (ברית). The covenant that a Jewish boy enters in upon circumcision is called Brit Milah (ברית מילה). Milah being the word for circumcision.breet (ברית)

Does brit in Hebrew mean cut?

no. Brit means covenant.

What is the Hebrew translation for children of the covenant?

Children of the Covenant = bnei brit (בני ברית), pronounced b'NAY breet.

How do you say Close friend in Hebrew?

male close friend = khah-VEHR TOV (חבר טוב) female close friend = khah-veh-RAH toh-VAH (חברה טובה)

Describe the Hebrew covenant?

it is a mutual promise between god and his people

What does Brit olam mean?

Brit Olam (ברית עולם) is a Hebrew phrase that can be translated as "covenant of the universe" or "eternal covenant"

How do you say romantic friend in Hebrew?

a male romantic friend = khaver romanti (חבר רומנטי) a female romantic friend = khaverah romantit (חברה רומנטית)

What is the Hebrew word for new covenant?

ברית החדשה (breet hahadasha)

How do you say female friend in Hebrew?

Chaverah (חברה) or yedidah (ידידה)