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El área y el perímetro.

Notice that "área" is feminine in Spanish, but we use the definite masculine article "el" because "área" begins with an accentuated "a". Thus, to avoid the bad pronunciation of "la área", we say "el área".

Area is el area

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Q: How do you say area or perimeter in spanish?
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Can the same area have the same perimeter?

only if i say so

What is the effect on the perimeter of a rectangle if the dimension are doubled what is the effect on its area?

Let's take a look at this problem.Rectangle Perimeter = 2(l + w)Rectangle Perimeter =? 2(2l + 2w)Rectangle Perimeter =? (2)(2)(l + w)2(Rectangle Perimeter) = 2[2(l + w)]Thus, we can say that the perimeter of a rectangle is doubled when its dimensions are doubled.Rectangle Area = lwRectangle Area =? (2l)(2w)Rectangle Area =? 4lw4(Rectangle Area) = 4lwThus, we can say that the area of a rectangle is quadruplicated when its dimensions are doubled.

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If you double the dimensions, then the perimeter is doubled. However, the area is quadrupled. For example, let's say that a side of a square is x units. The perimeter would be 4x, and the area x2. Now, let's double the dimension into 2x. Now, the perimeter is 8x, and the area is 4x2. As you can see, the perimeter is doubled and the area is quadrupled.

A square may have the same numerical value for its area and perimeter?

Let's say the side length of a square is x. The square's area is just x2, and its perimeter is 4x. If we want the perimeter to be equal to the area, 4x = x2, so x = 4.

How do you find the area if the perimeter is only given?

If you are talking about a rectangle, you can't find the area from just the perimeter. With a perimeter of say 80 units, the sides could be 10 and 30, with an area of 300 square units. But the sides could also be 5 and 35, with an area of 175 square units. There are lots of other possibilities. If you are talking about a square, that's different. Each side is a quarter of the perimeter, so the area is a quarter of the perimeter multiplied by a quarter of the perimeter.

Do all shapes with fixed perimeter have same area?

nope because if u have a square with a side length of 4 then the perimeter is 16 and the area is 16 and say if u have a rectangle with side lengths of 2 and 6 then the perimeter is 16 but the area is 12 so the answer is no

Is carpeting a floor a area are a perimeter?

It is area, not perimeter!

Area of rhombus if area and perimeter is given and if you have to find altitude?

Perimeter = 4*Side so that Side = Perimeter/4 Area of a rhombus = Side * Altitude so Altitude = Area/Side = Area/(Perimeter/4) = 4*Area/Perimeter

Is a rectangle determined by its area and perimeter?

Yes. Given two equations ... one for area and one for perimeter ... in two variables ... length and width ... I'd say that the dimensions are uniquely defined.

Are area and perimeter dimensions?

area 63 and perimeter is 32

Why are the units of perimeter and area different?

Because 'perimeter' is a length, and area is an area. Perimeter is the distance around the edges of a sheet of paper, while area is the part of a table-top that the sheet of paper can cover. You can never say how many square feet tall you are, and you can never say how many feet your front yard covers. That would be swapping the units of length and area, and using each unit for the wrong type of quantity.

How do you calculate the perimeter and area of a square?

The perimeter of a square is four times the length of any side. The area is the length of a side multiplied by itself (which is to say, squared).