names do not translate if you want to know how to write it ask:- how do i write "name" in japanese?
You may say 'juutai' or 'koudoutai,' written: 獣帯 黄道帯
The tenth Zodiac sign, Capricorn, is磨羯宮 (makatsukyuu) in Japanese.
Yes, Japan has zodiac signs. The Japanese zodiac is divided into 12 blocks. They are, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and boar. Instead of being broken down by months, your Japanese sign is based on the year you were born.
how to say "editor" in japanese
To say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese, you say "Mukashi no Nihon no irasuto".
Cancer, the illness, is 'gan.' Cancer, the Zodiac sign, is 'kyokaikyuu.'
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
フライドポテト is how you say it in japanese'
メロン is how you say melon in Japanese.
To say tennis in Japanese.........テニス
Terekineshisu is the word for telekinesis in the Japanese language.
In the Chinese Zodiac legend, the cat was too busy sleeping to make his way to the big meeting. So it is not a zodiac animal.