Michelle: Hebrew: "Who is like God?" Ann: "Gracious" - Hebrew Equivalent: Chana
michelle = מישל
Michelle is both french and hebrew-derived - meaning: 'who resembles God'
The name Michael is a transliteration, however, mispronounced. In Hebrew the name is pronounced as Mi-kha-el, the kh represents the hard guttural sound, common in Hebrew. The Hebrew spelling is Mem-Yud-Caf-Alef-Lamed and means "Who is like God".
You can say Michelle in Hawaiian as "Mikinale."
It is Hebrew and it means Close to God.
There is no equivalent of Michelle in Polish language. You can just say "Michelle".
Sandra Michelle Johnson = ×¡× ×“×¨×” מישל ×’×³×•× ×¡×•×Ÿ
The name Shelley is a nickname for Michelle. In Hebrew that is Mika'ela, and it means "who is like God"
Michelle comes from the Hebrew name Michael (מיכאל) which means "who is like God?" The Modern Hebrew feminine form is Michaela (מיכאלה), prounced mee-kah-eh-lah.
Michelle in Russian is Мишель (Mishel).
You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew