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"He estado tratando de mejorar mi español."

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Q: How do you say I have been trying to improve my Spanish?
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How do you say fields in spanish?

Are you trying to say Field if so the spanish word is Campo.

How do you say trying in Spanish?

trying is - TRATANDO- in spanish, pronounced trah-TAHN-dough.

Can you say He estado tratando de edades in spanish?

No. If you mean "I have been trying for ages", you might say, "He estado intentando [or: tratando] por mucho tiempo."

How do you say improve in spanish?

Mejorar (which literally means, to make better)

How do you say we need to improve some things in spanish?

you say: "necesitamos mejorar algunas cosas"

How do you say trying to get ready in spanish?

tratando de prepararse

What is now in Spanish?

The word 'now' in Spanish is 'ahora', which is pronounced ah-or-ah. If you are trying to say 'What now?' in Spanish, you would say '? Y que ahora?'

How do you say plays as in soccer in spanish?

jugar is used to say play sport. If your trying to say "to play soccer" you would say "jugar futbol(soccer in spanish)"

How do you say in Mexican?

this question is confusing, first, Mexican isn't a language, you probably meant spanish, second what are you trying to say in spanish?

How do you say how are you -familiar- in Spanish?

"How are you" in a familiar way in Spanish is "¿Cómo estás?"

How do you say I am trying in spanish?

"I am trying" in Spanish is "Yo trato". It is pronounced "Yo TRAH-toe". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

How do you say love Spanish in Spanish?

I assume you mean "I love Spanish"; one way to say that is "Me encanta el español".