The Romanian language equivalent of Good morning beautiful is Bun? ziua (or Bun? diminea?a frumoaso).
The Romanian language equivalent of Hello beautiful is Salutare frumoaso.Bună scumpo is a Romanian equivalent of 'Hello, Beautiful'. Another equivalent is 'Bunăfrumoaso'. Either way, the meaning and the compliment are the same.
The equivalent of "Hello beautiful Diana" in the Romanian language is "Salutare (or Te salut) frumoasă Diana".
Salut, ce mai faci, Frumoasă is a Romanian equivalent of 'Hello, How are you, Beautiful'. That's to a 'beautiful' female. To a 'beautiful' or 'handsome' male, the word becomes 'frumos'.
Hello, you beautiful.
Hello beautiful.
hello beautiful in polish
The Romanian language equivalent is viaţă frumoasă.
You can say "Ciao, bella" in Italian to say "hello beautiful."
The Romanian for Good Day is Bună Ziua
The Romanian language equivalent is Este o zi frumoasă.
The equivalent of Hello you in the Romanian language is Te salut (or Salutare).
The Romanian language equivalent of Hello is Bună ziua or Salutare or Te (Vă) salut.