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Empieza a hacerse ridiculo

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Q: How do you say 'it's starting to get ridiculous' in Spanish?
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How do you say ridiculous in French?

"Ridiculous" in French is expressed as "ridicule."

How do you say you are so gorgeous it is ridiculous in Spanish?

Assuming you are speaking to a girl: 'Va bonita es ridículo.' If you are speaking to a guy, change 'bonita' to 'guapo'.

How do you say ridiculous in Tamil?

Kelikidamana, sirikathaka

Does the type of your belly button say something about you?

No, that's ridiculous.

How do you say starting in spanish?

Verb form:empezar

When people say ridiculous in a sentence does it mean only the bad ridiculous?

Not at all. Ridiculous could be referring to ridicule or farce - in other words, simply being funny at the expense of others. The context of the term depends on the context of the sentence.

Which hobby is the most ridiculous?

there are quite a lot but i would say farting and burping

How do you say ridiculous in Portuguese?

Ridicu(lo) for a guy or Ridicu(la) for a girl

How do you say ridiculous in Chinese?

tài kê xiào 太可笑

What is a sport starting with h in Spanish?

Hockey is a sport starting with h in Spanish as there is no translation for the English word.

How do you say sister n law in spanish?

Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.

How do you say hi i still in spanish?

How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.