In all Arabic accents & in the standard Arabic, say:" Esmi ".
Ismak eh? That's in like Egyptian Arabic modern Arabic not fus-ha Arabic.
"My name is Victoria" is translated as "اسمي فكتوريا", from English to Arabic, and is pronounced as "ismee Victoria".
Translation: Ismuhu (إسمه)
laqab لقب
The way to spell the name Lisa using the Arabic alphabet is ليسا.
You say " ISS-mee ka-thee"
In Syrian Arabic, you can say "ismi Samantha" to mean "my name is Samantha."
Emily is a name that does not exist in Arabic. You could write Emili (إميلي) in Arabic.The closest Arabic name that sounds like Emily is Amina (أمينة).
اديث is a phonetic translation, although slightly awkward to say in Arabic
I would say it is "Ismail"