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God morning is god morgon in Swedish.
God Morgon.

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Q: How do you say 'good morning' in Swedish?
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What is the informal way to say good morning in Swedish?

Morrn or morgon

How do you say 'Good morning my dear' in Swedish?

God morgon, kära (the kä is pronounced like "share").

What is Swedish for good morning?

"Hej och god morgon."hello = hejgood morning = god morgon

How do you say good in Swedish?

It depends on the context.Acceptable translations could be 'god' or 'bra' as noted below:A good book = en bra bok.Good food = god matGood morning = god morgonGood evening = god aftonGood night = god nattetc.Worth noting that the translation for(English) God = (Swedish) gud(English) Bra = (Swedish) behå:-)---Original answer--- 'Good' is 'bra' in Swedish.

How do you say good morning gorgeous in Swedish?

god morgon Gorgeous, although if you want to know exactly how it sounds I recommend you watch a video on YouTube or something.

How do you say that is good in Swedish?

That is good. - Det är bra.

How do you say good morning to a girl?

You could say, "Good morning, [her name]! I hope you have a wonderful day."

What is good morning in Dhivehi?

To say good morning in Dhivehi, you have to say "goedemorgen".

How do you say good morning in colombo?

good morning

How you say good morning in Uganda?

good morning

How do you say good morning in Canada?

Good morning.

How do you say good morning in Libyan?

good morning