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"Mit viele Liebe" is the translation and the normal term used by the German population.

"Mit ganz viel Liebe" translates as "with very much love" which is also in common usage.

"Mit grosse Liebe" means "with great love." (a phrase that is rarely used.)

This is only used in a context such as (with great love he nursed his sick dog back to health).

Where as "Meine grosse liebe" means "the love of my life"

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

I am German so that's good! If you want to say lots of love in German there are a couple things you could say: Ich liebe dich ....................... i love you Ich liebe dich sehr ....................... i love you heaps Ich liebe dich ganz doll ...................... i love you soooo much Viele liebe ................... lots of love i think that's all. hope that helps!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ich leibe dich sehr.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Viel Liebe fur euch alle

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Q: How do you say 'With much love' in German?
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