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Ana Mamh'ouna "In Feminin" Ana Mamh'oun "I Maskulin"

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

horney in Arabic it ( mhayaj)

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Q: How do you say 'I'm horney' in Arabic?
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What to say to make a guy horney by text?

just be flirty say im feeling horny ...come satisfy me

Is Bella Thorne horney?

lol what no i am not horney im a teenager i don't have time to be horney!-_-

How do you say can i speak to in Arabic?

im Arabian i can help say ina itakalam im Arabian i can help say ina itakalam

How do you say i wish im there in Arabic?

" btmana akoon henak"

What is im greatfull in Arabic?

In slang Arabic: say " ana mumnoontak" if you are addressing a male. say " ana mumnoontek " if you are addressing a female.

How do you say from in Arabic?

From in Arabic is "min"...."ana min malaysi" means im from Malaysia..... ana - i min - from

How do you say im in bed in Arabic?

ana fes'sareer if u mean im asleeping or im about to sleep u can say ana naiem or ana hanam

How do you say im a fighter in Arabic?

Ana muqatil (male) Ana muqatilah (female)

How do you say am horney in crole?

Simple... Me be rhinoceros... Spelled horney means "that has horns"... Unless you mean horny, which means aroused... Then I don't know how you say it in Creole, not Crole...

How do you say 'happy holidays' in Arabic?

im not sure how you say it but that's how you write it..........................الأعياد Typically people say: 3o6la sa3ida (عطلة سعيدة) Note: 3 represents the Arabic letter "Ayin" and 6 represents the Arabic "Ta" which is stronger that the English "t".

Would you consider being horney a state of mood?

child yesss. In fact Im horny

How do you say universe in Arabic?

If you want to say Arabic in Arabic this is how you say it=Arabi