The Romanian language equivalent of God bless you is Dumnezeu să te binecuvînteze.
BLESS YOU! (english), SANATATE! (Romanian) ...
god bless
god bless you
Cu salutări prietenoase is a Romanian equivalent of 'Kind regards'.
God bless you and your sister
You say ... "God Bless This Theater" ... what exactly were you trying to ask here?
We say God bless you as 'Isol patichina'
The Romanian language equivalent is "Dumnezeu să te binecuvînteze".
God bless you = Gott segne dich (God) bless you! (after a sneeze) = Gesundheit!
In Czech, we say " bůh ti žehnej" . It means the same - god bless you.
god bless my wife my children my granchildren,