It depends on the individual you are addressing. If the individual has a doctorate, you would address them as doctor. IF not, you address them as you would anyone in a formal setting (if in a formal setting).
Dog is not a human name. It is a slang term that is sometimes used to refer to a particular person. Sometimes it is used to refer to something inferior. Its a dog. Sometimes is used to refer to a member of a football team such as a member of the Georgia Bull Dogs. He is a dog. Hi dog. In that case dog is not his name but defines him by his college.
Some refer to it as the "Main board" or "System board."
what did the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education refer?
A director
The usual reason is the trustee has found evidence that indicates the bankruptcy filer has non-exempt assets that were not reported. This however, does not mean the trustee necessarily believes it was intentional; perhaps the filer did not realize he was owed funds that should have been reported. In rare cases it is because the trustee suspects dishonest activity relating to the bankruptcy. In extreme situations the trustee may refer the case to the U.S.Trustee Office for further action.
It could refer to a member of a set.
"El miembro" can refer to a member of a group or organization. It can also refer to an individual's body part, specifically the male reproductive organ.
No, simply director. The board refers to the entire group of directors collectively.
When you refer a member and they do a task or survey, ect.
If you mean the band we need to know which member you refer to.
You would refer problems to another member of the staff in a salon when the problem was not solved. You should always go to a manager when a problem is not solved quickly.