"TOO-tso" is the pronunciation of the family name Tuzoin Italian. The name particularly will be found in southern Italy.
"KAH-pwa" is the way to pronounce the Italian name Capua.
"Gyan-car-low" is the way to pronounce the Italian name Giancarlo.
The way to pronounce the Italian name Loiacano is "LO-ia-KO-no."
The way to pronounce the name Alcibiade, Italian for the Greek name Alcibiades, is "AL-tchee-BYA-dey" in Italian.
"Ar-tey-mee-sya" is a way to pronounce the Italian name Artemisia.
Jehn-TEE-leh is the way in which the Italian name 'Gentile' is pronounced.
Gee or dah no
"Mee-KEH-leh" is the way to pronounce the Italian name Michele.
Benedetta Mazzini's birth name is Benedetta Crocco.
Pronounced Jel pee - at least the Italian Gelpi's pronounce it that way. I would assume the Austrian Gelpi's pronounce it Gel (like Gelding) pee. The Spanish Gelpi I would assume Hel pay.
Yah ko po