"KAH-pwa" is the way to pronounce the Italian name Capua.
"Mi-TCHEE-no" is the way to pronounce the Italian word micino.
"Doo-RAN-tey" is the way to pronounce the Italian word durante.
"Gyan-car-low" is the way to pronounce the Italian name Giancarlo.
The way to pronounce the Italian word macchina is "MAK-kee-na."
"TRAT-to-REE-a" is the way to pronounce the Italian word for "restaurant," trattoria.
The way to pronounce the Italian name Loiacano is "LO-ia-KO-no."
"Ar-tey-mee-sya" is a way to pronounce the Italian name Artemisia.
"BEL-la BA-ya" is the way to pronounce bella baia in Italian.
The way to pronounce the name Alcibiade, Italian for the Greek name Alcibiades, is "AL-tchee-BYA-dey" in Italian.
"Broos-KET-ta" or "broosh-KET-ta" is the way to pronounce bruschetta in Italian.
Just like how you pronounce "Ciao" in Italian.