As of July 2014, the market cap for Imation Corporation (IMN) is $138,166,784.07.
..---..--.....- (It means A ^^)
30 years old.
I don't think that that is even a word. You might have misspelled it.
The symbol for Imation Corporation in the NYSE is: IMN.
most probable differential is a infectious mononucleosus (imn). confirm by imn monospot test.
There are 14 teams in the American league.
Mount Everest can be found on the border of Nepal and Tibet in the Himalayan mountains
no one really knows but most peopl are saying that on july 12 you can get on
If you mean "What is the meaning of the name Amenhotep?", it is the modern version of the ancient Egyptian imn-htp, which means "Amun is content".