A rather accurate prescribtion would be to pronounce it as "more far".
More, as in "More money" and far, as in "Far away".
An easy way to remember how to say the word Morfar (meaning "mothers father") is to think of the english word "mormon", whose pronounciation is very similar as the swedish word Mormor, which means "mothers mother".
Summaring this up, just think of the word "mormon". Then take away the last part (-mon) and replace it with -far. This way you get "Morfar".
In English, "Mormor" would be pronounced as "mawr-mawr."
Jag älskar dig, mormor/farmor Farmor - Father's mother Mormor - Mother's mother
The Swedish word for apostles is apostlar.
The Swedish word for 'Crazy' is 'Galen'.
The Swedish word for reiterate is "upprepa"
The word thousand in swedish is "tusen".
The Swedish word for 'help' is 'hjälp'.
The word for 'Finland' in Swedish is the same as it is in English.
The English word "ocean" is "hav" in the Swedish language.
Bestemor, farmor or mormor
The word is: Ärr