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"ñ" can be obtained in MS Word (or any other program) in a number of ways. If you are only going to use it rarely, then you can use the "insert" menu, and just insert it from the table of special characters. This is pretty cumbersome, but it works.

If you set your keyboard to International English, then there is a key combination that will return the "ñ", as well as other special characters like !, ¿ , á, é, í, ó, ú, ü.

The easiest thing to do on MS platforms, particularly if you are writing in a non-Spanish language and only including certain Spanish words, is to use the character map or the Alt+ key combination. The Alt+ key combination can be found on the character map.

The character map is usually found by going to Start -> Accessories. Open the character map and you will find many variations of the alphabet and other characters. Selecting any one will allow you to copy that character so you can paste it to your document.

It will also show you the keyboard combination to use to type that character. For example, typing the following will get you ñ: Alt+0240. That is the Alt key and the numbers 0,2,4,0 on the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The numbers across the top of the keyboard will not work when using Alt+ key combination.

Alt+0241 = ñ

Alt+0209 = Ñ

Another way to go about this is to change the keyboard to Spanish. In this way, the characters have dedicated keys, so there are no complicated key strings to remember, and it is quite fast.

Go to control panel in the standard view, and select "Region and languages". Select the "Keyboards and Languages" tab. On this page you can select any number of languages for display. Select the Spanish version you want , and selct it. That's it. When you go back to the desktop, you will notice a boz that has either "en" or "es" in it. Select it to "es", and then try out all the keys, noting the special characters.

On Window Vista and later, you can change the keyboard settings using the Language Bar on your Taskbar.

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