The frequency we hear at is demonstrated in a wave-like pattern. Sound itself is not like little waves coming at us. Just for us to have a visual representation of what it is, the waves on the screen are the best format. Its similar to dropping a rock in a pool. The waves go out from the rock and slowly dissipate and eventually dissapear, just like the further you walk away from someone the less you hear them, and eventually not at all.
When matter vibrates it sends out a sound wave.
The main sound wave forms are sine waves, square waves, sawtooth waves, and triangle waves. Each wave form has its own unique sound characteristics and is used in different ways in sound synthesis and music production.
Sound waves are longitudinal.
When matter vibrates it sends out a sound wave.
i dont really know im just bored
A sound wave is created when an object vibrates, causing air molecules to vibrate and transfer energy in the form of a wave. The vibrating object pushes and pulls on the surrounding air molecules, creating compressions and rarefactions that travel through the air as sound.
Sound is actually a vibration in the air which travels in the form of a wave. The larger the amplitude of the wave, the "louder" the sound. the smaller the amplitude of the wave, the "softer" the sound.
The energy in a sound wave is called acoustic energy. It is the mechanical energy that is transmitted through a medium in the form of sound waves.
The answer is sound or wave energy.Waves.In the form of sound and light.
sound is a lonitudnal wave nd travels in the form of compressions and rarefactions..
The answer is sound or wave energy.Waves.In the form of sound and light.