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How do you get motivated? Think about living the REST OF YOUR LIFE with not having enough money for ANYTHING... Think about hanging heavy sheets of drywall on one construction job after another... Until you can't get hired because twenty younger people want the job. Think about picking vegetables and fruit for a living... And moving around from place to place just HOPING that you'll be hired. Think about not being ale to buy a home, or a car, or better yet: think about always shopping around for the cheapest food, the cheapest clothes, the cheapest EVERYTHING because you just don't have the money for something nice. Want to be motivated? Then just walk down almost ANY city center street and LOOK at the panhandlers, the bums, the down-and-outs; Just look at the people who fell through the cracks in the system and have nothing. Just plain nothing. You want to end up like that???? THINK !!! Motivation? How about a swift kick in the ass? STUDY !! LEARN !! Get off your tush and DO !! Today is really the first day in THE REST OF YOUR LIFE !! Now get off this website and hit the books MAKE SOMETHING of yourself!! If you're not living, you're dying.

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16y ago
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12y ago

If you can't get your self to study then you should just keep telling your self that if you don't study you wont pass and just push your self and how bad would it be if you were in a class with kids younger and all of your friends were in a grade higher than you

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15y ago

Make friends at your school. Then when you get up each morning, you can look forward to seeing them. Or focus on just making it through the day then when you get home reward yourself with something.

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14y ago

do wat ever u like all day.. and set time for studies too

wen u pass ur day in doing wat u like, u will unintentionally want to do new things, at this time keep in mind that u have to study also for bright future

wen u keep this in mind, soon u will sit atleast for studying

when u sit, study dat much s u want

and keep in mind that dont study only ur course contents, but ur fav subjects too

later u will like to study more n more

keep in mind ever, that no one can make u perfect except knowledge

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16y ago

It's all about finding your passion; A love for the work you want to do and the benefit it brings others as well as yourself. You must create a vision for yourself. A vision in this sense it a clearly articulated picture of the future you intend to create for yourself. It's a dream. However, if that dream does not have direction, it will always remain a dream and never be brought into reality. So, you will need a counselor, coach, or mentor, who will be able to give you appropriate direction. It's going to take some research on your part, but you can do it. Find your passion. Once you have that, your motivation will become evident, and your path will become clear. Lastly, attitude is everything!

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