For starters, correct the person who posted: "Rape them, until they change they're morals." That should be "Rape them until they change THEIR morals;" "they're" is slang for "they are," example, they're next door = they are next door.
The best way to promote the use of English in schools is to demonstrate how rewarding it is to know proper English. You can tell students about jobs, such as becoming a journalist, in order to encourage them.
Not everyone here knows proper English. Others may be lazy and use chat speech. Then of course, some are just young. In addition, there is some debate as to what is proper English. Proper British English is not the same as proper American English. Other English-speaking nations have their own variations of English.
No it is not proper English.
When you learn how to spell and use proper English.
It is proper to use an ampersand in French. Use it with the same usage rules that you would use in English.
When you learn how to spell and use proper English.
It is proper English to use the word scary. Scarey is simply the proper word with a letter e accidentally inserted, making it an incorrectly spelled word.
you do not use proper english
use proper English stupid
use it in a sentence
No, it is not considered proper English to use "these ones." Instead, you should simply say "these" without the unnecessary "ones."
You can use St or Ste as proper abbreviations for street in the English language.