

How do you do good on a test?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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15y ago

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To get a good grade, whether in a subject or on a test, you must study! Do not "chunk" your study time, meaning cram it, for this will only cause you to feel like you are destined to fail because it seems the more you chunk, the less you remember. I would recommend studying for about an hour each day. It is not that long, and soon you'll be reading your essays and notes from memory!

Here are some specific tips:

  • Take good notes in class - when it's time to study, study from these instead of trying to re-read the textbook - click on the Related Question to see how to take good classroom notes
  • Keep up with your homework - if you practice the work all along, it's going to be easier for you to understand and remember
  • Make a Study Deck for vocabulary terms, dates, math formulae, and whatever else you think will work - click on the Related Questions for that as well
  • Get enough sleep - kids and teens need at least 8-10 hours of sleep a night in order for their brains to develop properly
  • Eat a healthy meal - skip the junk food and energy drinks and go for long-lasting energy like proteins and healthy carbohydrates (the traditional "bacon and egg and OJ" breakfast has all of these things - or in a pinch, some peanut butter on toast!)

1. Know what kind of question you would expect. Looking at pat papers/past test would be a good start(especially for Humanity kind of subjects)

2. Know what you're talking about. In that case, you know when you're off track

3. Don't panic: It really helps to calm down

4. Set off what you know, and what you don't know(Especially in Math kind of subjects) and work out how you can get to the "goal"

5. Proof reading the answer if you have time

6. Plan on the time.

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15y ago

a school test, i studied alot but i just dont feel good about it Don't cram the night before, study a little each night before the test. allready too late

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