Surely you've gotten into bed before! What do you do when you get into bed? Do you have certain rituals you perform at bedtime every night, like brushing your teeth or turning down the covers and plumping up the pillows? In order to describe something in a story, you have to see it in your mind first. Then, you just tell what's going on so that the readers can see it too.
I think it's just an adjective describing the way someone feels about a certain action. For example "he shook his head unapprovingly as the boy jumped on the bed." In this case, the word is used to describe the way he was looking at the boy. He did not approve of the boy jumping on the bed because it was too dangerous.
Someone who gets in the way of surfers
you could describe someone as itinerant.
Youthful is a nice way to describe a senior citizen.
stuck upegotisticalCockyconceitedannoyingshow offShow off is often used to describe someone who is always bragging.
tto get someone out of troible
By seeing if they inspired you or someone or something in some way.
Arrogant is a good way to describe someone who believes they never do anything wrong.
Sleeping with someone is usually referring to the act of sexual intercourse. It can also (although not usually) refer to sharing a bed with someone in a non-sexual way.
It isn't likely to get bed bugs that way . Bed bugs have been around for years and they first came about when people would sleep on hay mattresses night there would be mini bugs bitting people.You may get termites from a rotting corpse but not bed bugs. You will not get bed bugs this way unless the deceased brought bed bugs with them into the bed before they died.
The same way someone over 13 gets a facebook,you just have to lie about your age.
Nurture is a word used to describe the way someone cares for another person. Parents should nurture their children for example.