present tense
masculine, singular = × ש×Âר
feminine, singular = × ש×Âרת
masculine, plural = × ש×Âרי×Â
feminine plural = × ש×Âרות
past tense
first person singular = × ש×Âרתי
2nd person masculine, singular = × ש×Âרתָ
2nd person feminine, singular = × ש×Âרתְ
3rd person masculine, singular = × ש×Âר
3rd person feminine, singular = × ש×Âר×â€
first person masculine = × ש×Âר× ו
2nd person masculine, plural = × ש×Âרת×Â
2nd person feminine, plural = × ש×Âרתן
3rd person masculine, plural = × ש×Âרו
3rd person feminine, plural = × ש×Âרו
to represent = yitseg (יצג). To conjugate "representing" you would have to provide the entire sentence.
to stay = nish'ar (נשאר)
There is no such word as "speaked". You either mean "spoke" or "spoken". The Hebrew verb "to speak" is diber (דיבר). In order to conjugate the past tense, you have to provide the entire sentence.
There`s no such thing as `Hebrew`blood.
to send = shalakh (שלח) In order to conjugate the past tense, the entire sentence must be known.
to hate = sana (×©× ×) In order to conjugate the past tense form "hated", you'd have to provide the subject of the sentence.
to dally = hitmazmez (התמזמז) The subject of the sentence would be needed in order to conjugate the past tense.
to cherish = he'erich (העריך) (The past tense form "cherished" requires a subject in order to conjugate the verb.)
to hang = talah (תלה) to form the word "hanging", the rest of the sentence would be needed in order to conjugate the verb.
to celebrate = chagag (×—×’×’)but in order to conjugate the verb, you'd have to provide the subject of the sentence. For example:I am celebrating = ani chogeg (×× ×™ חוגג)
to conquer = kavash (כבש) In order to conjugate the verb form "conquering", you would have to provide the whole sentence.
to remember = זכר (zakhar). to make the word "remembering", we would need to know the entire sentence in order to conjugate the verb.