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present tense

masculine, singular = נשאר

feminine, singular = נשארת

masculine, plural = נשארים

feminine plural = נשארות

past tense

first person singular = נשארתי

2nd person masculine, singular = נשארתָ

2nd person feminine, singular = נשארתְ

3rd person masculine, singular = נשאר

3rd person feminine, singular = נשארה

first person masculine = נשארנו

2nd person masculine, plural = נשארתם

2nd person feminine, plural = נשארתן

3rd person masculine, plural = נשארו

3rd person feminine, plural = נשארו

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14y ago

For a male, it is "Hi'shaer Ne'eman" - השאר נאמן. For a female, it is "Hi'sha'ari Ne'emana" - השארי נאמנה.

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True love is Ahava amitit אהבה אמיתית

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Q: How do you conjugate ' to stay' in Hebrew?
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