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to write a successful thesis statement, ask questionsthat will keep the reader engaged. give the reader something to think about as you ease into your essay. after writing a thesis add a couple of statements about what your about to write.

if you are writing about literature have the title and author of the book. the title should be underlined.

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Althan Lee

Lvl 4
4y ago

mingxinwrite。com很多留学生Essay分数不高的一个重要原因就是Thesis Statement不明确,那么,Thesis Statement究竟是什么呢?Thesis Statement又怎么写呢?本文DueEssay教育小编就为大家分享Thesis Statement的写作技巧。


Thesis Statement应该怎么写?

Thesis statement是什么

简单粗暴的说,thesis 就是中心思想!你也可以叫它主旨、论点。总之,thesis statement 就是用一句话表明你的立场!

大家也可以把它想象成你整篇 essay 的 abstract。你的目的就是通过一句话,让读者秒懂你要讨论的问题以及你的观点。

这里要注意了,thesis statement不是在描述你要讨论的问题,不是陈述事实,也不是总结优劣。所以,下面这个例子是错误的:

× In this essay, I discuss why organizations voluntarily disclose social and environmental information from three theoretical perspectives, namely agency theory, legitimacy theory, and institutional theory.

既然要表达你的立场和观点,那么thesis statement 就要体现出你的思想深度来。记住,学术问题都是复杂问题,不要过度简单化。下面是我自己写过的例子给大家参考:


Why organizations voluntarily disclose social and environmental information?

Thesis statement:

√ I argue that agency theory, legitimacy theory, and institutional theory are not mutually exclusive because they provide distinct perspectives in assessing the motivation for voluntary social and environmental information disclosure.



Thesis statement有什么用

Thesis statement有什么用

为什么把 thesis statement 叫做 essay的敲门砖呢?其实主要有两个原因。

首先,我们已经看到了,一个好的 thesis statement 统领全文,帮助读者快速了解你的论点,展现你的思想深度。

其次,整理出中心思想之后再下笔,可以引导你句句切中要害,防止跑题。这也是我觉得 thesis statement 最有用的地方。


× 边想边写,仿佛在写散文。很快,你就会发现自己没什么要说的了,可惜字数还没凑够。

√ 边写边想,自己的想法中途改变,突然发现有太多东西要说,结果字数超过限制要求。

这两个结果当然都不是我们想要的,费时费力,不仅需要反复修改, 还往往拿不到高分。


如何写thesis statement?

如何写thesis statement?


Step 1. 根据对题目的第一反应,写出一个待修改的 tentative thesis statement;

Step 2. 思考如何论证你的论点,并写出 argument;

Step 3. 查找文献,补充论据(这时往往会有新的灵感产生);

Step 4. 修改你的 thesis statement;

Step 5. 重复以上步骤,直到得出满意的 thesis statement 为止(这时你会感觉心中有 essay,只差把它写出来而已)。

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15y ago

to make a good thesis statement you must have a good argument and ways to support it

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10y ago

The topic sentence tells what the paper will be about. In one sentence, tell the reader what you intend to write about. The topic sentence should describe the rest of the paper.

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14y ago

You bwgin with a thesis statement. And a thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove.

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13y ago

find the main topic and write a sentence about it that supports your details

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all the above it is the begining of the essay that tell you what the essay is going to be about

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There is no standard thesis statement for anything. When you write a thesis statement, you need to state your argument (what ever opinion you have on marriage and divorce), and then use the rest of the essay to back up your position.

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A persuasive thesis statement contains the author's opinion on a topic, whereas an explanatory thesis statement does not.

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A persuasive thesis statement argues the author's opinion on a topic; a descriptive thesis statement does not.