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Use short sentences for tension. Build the tension up until it's at the climax so the reader is dying to know what's going to happen next. And don't forget the atmosphere ... setting and mood and tone.

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Q: How do you build suspense?
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As evidence by Saki's story The Interlopers an author can?

build suspense, have it decrease in the middle of the story, and have it build again. ~APEX approved~

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When does suspense start to build in a story?

It starts to build different moods and emotions. It may also build a different setting or plot.

What does foreshadowing build up in the reader's mind?

Foreshadowing builds suspense.

What does cooper do to build suspense in the story?

Give name of the story you are referring to

What techniques did the author use to build suspense in twilight by Stephenie Meyer?

She would just dream about the suspense and what would happen next in the book.

What elements in a novel help to build suspense?

Suspense is built when the reader knows something that the characters don't know. Then, they are anxious for it to happen, and there's suspense. Another good method for building suspense is to have a time limit for the characters to work against. And when the readers care about the conflict, there will be suspense as they wait for it to resolve.

Why is the build up of tension and suspense need in a mystery story?

Because suspense is what makes people want to see more.

Good way to keep the reader interested is to use tension to?

build suspense

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An author can use to build a sense of suspense within the reader's mind.?


A good way to keep the reader interested is to use tension to?

build suspense