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First you have to have the number of sims people to sign your paper which is done under talk and then it will say sign petition or whatever then you will go to a empty lot and tap on it and it will say as one of the options build preschool u click on that and then a blue print will appear wait a few seconds and then the preschool will appear, make sure that you are a teacher before you attempt to do this

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

When you try to build a preschool ....Adjust your camera to the side with the empty lot or with a S on it which is the empty lot ..then you click on the lot and it will say walk to or preschool .click preschool and it will pop up as a blue print..just wait and it will be there...!!!! :D

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βˆ™ 14y ago

easy....all you need to do is pick a school or an empty community lot. Make it look as much as a preschool as possible. Then make a family or choose a family to play. Have them go to the preschool.........hope this helped.....have fun

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βˆ™ 13y ago

You have to become a teacher then when u are employed as a teacher, go up to neighbors and touch talk about then ask for donation.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

go and click on an empty lot then the option "preschool" will be avaliable, once you click on it the preschool will build and it wont cost you anything.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

You can't build a school. Your sims can only join the education career at an already existing school.

Hope it helped.

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Q: How do you build a preschool on sims 3 ambitions?
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Thats the one I'm having trouble with. Honestly, I have no clue if you can.

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Easy go on to the menu and press start pre school lesson. Easy

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If you are talking about Sims 3 ambitions on an ipod then you can't :( Sorry

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No. Although The Sims 3 is avaliable for the PS3, there isn't a PS3 version of The Sims 3 Ambitions.

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The sims 3 ambitions does.

Sims 3 ambitions iPod?

You can play the sims three on the iPod/iPhone/iPad.

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No. Ambitions has all features, or most from sims 3 original app plus the ambitions features. I sadly wasted my money without knowing on ambitions, adventures and sims 3 original. Wish I just got ambitions and adventures.