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It depends on what you think success is. Instead of going to High School, some people take the General Educational Development tests (GED), and passing those can get you into college, although you typically have a smaller choice of colleges, at least to start with. If you aren't interested in academic success, then there are other careers that you can find success with. Some kinds of art, drama, and construction... these are things that you can begin without formal education. Still, many people find that they improve their skills and knowledge even in these areas through formal education. Learning Music Theory is valuable, even for those who have an abundance of natural musical talent, and who can pick up and use instruments well without being formally taught. Many actors find that acting classes and directing programs help them to hone their craft. Even in construction, carpentry, Plumbing, etc... many people will require you to have a high school diploma or even a college degree to become a supervisor. If you are lucky enough to be blessed with remarkable talent in sports, many teams accept walk-on candidates. It is harder to make the team without a history of High School sports, but I don't think that it is impossible. There are people in rock bands or who are great at Poker or whose parents give them money who are considered successful. Success can mean being able to afford travel to distant places, or having a lot of free time... if that is your definition of success, and you are lucky enough to have a lot of money, then you are already there, without high school. ... although as a side note, I don't recommend gambling. Way more people lose than win... that's how casinos make money. In general, choosing a career that you like, and trying to get a job in that career is the first step to success. If you like the food service industry, this is fairly easy without High School. Most fast-food restaurants will allow you to work your way up to supervisor without requiring a High School degree. In some jobs in any industry, experience can make up for a lot, and so the more experience you get, the less likely that a missing High School diploma will matter. Just remember that things things might matter more to you in the future. I have seen so many adults come back to school, trying to get a college degree later in life, who wish they would have taken school more seriously when they were younger. ... I think that you *can* succeed without High School, and without college... but it is harder.

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