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Q: How do you answer 'What do you expect from this graduate program' in an application?
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What is the process for applying to graduate school?

Once you finish your undergraduate work you have to apply for a graduate program. You can do this at the school you are attending if they have one or apply to another school. You need to fill out an application, send in your application fee, and take a GRE exam.

What the teachers can expect from you?

To Graduate.

Is the Graduate Record Exam required to enter graduate school?

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for some programs, but not all programs. Each specific program at each school will have application requirements, including whether or not the GRE is required.

What is an application program Explain how an application can be addremoved from a PC?

what is an application program? how an application can be add or remove from pc. what is an application program? how an application can be add or remove from pc.

Which function is supported by an application program?

which function is support by an application program

How do you patch on to an installed dir program?

find the application in the program files and patch it in the application.

What is a Certificate Program?

A certificate program is 1-2 year program that you can take after you graduate college.

Is spreadsheet a utility program?

No. It is an application, specifically a database application.

Where can one find online graduate programs?

In order to find online a graduate program, one should decide on a field one wants to take a Graduate program. Graduate programs are available in many Graduate Schools and can easily be found when the field of a search is already being decoded.

How do you go about transferring from one graduate program to another?

You first need to find out if the other university accepts graduate transfers into your program. If they do, you apply, send your transcripts, etc. They'll outline their graduate transfer application process on their website. Keep in mind that it's normal that even if a grad program accepts transfer students, they may not accept any of your graduate credits. If they do, they'll only accept a few of them - usually only 9 or 12. And they likely will not accept any transfer credits for classes that the feel are core to their program. So, for example, if you're in an MBA program right now, and you've already taken stats - your new MBA program may well want you to retake that class with them. Don't be shocked if that happens. It's normal.

Can you change your Ph.D program to another program within the same graduate school?

No. Generally you are admitted to a particular graduate program so you cannot change to another PhD program. Not unless you are prepared to apply to the second program, which you may or may not get accepted to.

What is an applications program?

An application program (sometimes shortened to application) is any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program. Examples of application programs include word processors; database programs; Web browsers; development tools; drawing, paint, and image editing programs; and communication programs.