how do you bleed a cluch on a 92 Saturn sl
yes it does
Use your hand
i need to know what wires need to be disconnected to change tail light assembly on a 92 saturn sl See sources and related links below for bulb information.
'92 Saturns were made with 12 gallon fuel tanks.
Usually not Usually a plug at the side of the transmission - fill to this level
Two of the most common causes are throttle position sensor and idle control valve problems.
I found out the answer. When my husband replaced the fuel pump in the gas tank he cracked the plastic casing that the fuel pump goes into, we sent it to the shop and it work's fine now! Saturn fuel pump's are expensive it was like $250 just for the part. Thanks, MEL
The average cost of repairing a clutch on a 1999 Saturn SL is anywhere between $400 to $3000. The Saturn SL was produced from 1990 to 2002.
your airflow is uneven check the airflow sensor wire/ sensor
Hydraulic clutch on that model is not ajustable. You either have a bad clutch slave cylinder, Or the clutch and pressure plate needs replaced.