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Studying (or lack thereof) can really affect your grades in all levels of schooling. You need to study for tests, no matter how much you don't want to. Studying is the key to doing well on any type of test. So many students will not study at all or do the 15 minute cram session on the bus on the way to school. To get the maximum benefit out of your studying, you need to start several days before the test and study the material in short bursts. Seriously avoid cramming since that is not very beneficial for remembering things.

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14y ago

Well, I know at my school, a lot of people are missing last period to leave for a sporting event. That's not good, especially in math, because you can get behind and not understand a thing.

Also, you could stay out late for games and practices, causing you to get less sleep, less studying time, and less time for homework.

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Q: How do school sports affect grades?
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Does school sports affect grades?

If it's like PE or PT then yes otherwise it's only to show your college that you can balance things.

Do sports affect your grades in schools... how?

yes if u worry more about sports than school u r going to get a very bad grade if u don't study for a test

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Yes, because they chose to play sports, so they must accept full responsibility for their grades in school.

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D's are passing grades but may keep you off a sports team or school activity.

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Most high school sports programs have minimum grade requirements. If you don't make those minimum grades, you cannot participate in sports.

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Your grades in high school will not affect your admittance to law school. They will look at your college grades.

Can playing sports affect your grades?

It almost always does. When you play sports, you take more time out of your day to do something else other than homework. Thus, you have less time to work on any school work or to study.

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It depends what school you go to.

Why students dont have to get good grades to play sports?

At my school they do they have to have a 2.50 GPA

Should students need to get good grades to play school sports?

yes because if you focus on sports you will get bad grades but if you really want to play you'd get good and and be able to play

Do you think my grades now will have an effect or affect on which school you get into?

The answer would be effect.

Does the type of clique you're in affect you're grades in school?

ohhh yes!