"Hose" as in something water goes through, in Spanish, is "manguera". It is pronounced "mahn-GARE-ah". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
if you wanted to say pants you would say die Hose or if you wanted to say jeans you would say die Jeans
In German, trousers are called "Hose."
kosten i.e. Wieviel kostet diese Hose? (How much do these pants cost?)
Die Hose (1 pair)Die Hosen (plural)Die Hose (1 pair)Die Hosen (plural)
Mach dir nicht in die Hose. Mach dir nicht ins Hemd.
The German word for pants (Brit. Engl. trousers) is die Hose.
How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"
To say body in German it is Körper
Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.
How do i say i have a brother and a sister in German ?
to say Rosie in German you say Rosie :) i like pie
hose hay