efxaristo=thank you kalo mou filo[e]= my good friend [file=female] "o kalos filos"= "a good/true friend"
if you love them say it back but if your not sure laugh and say thankyou
terima kasih or if you want to say thankyou again it's terima kasih lagi
To say thankyou in Chinese is si si . In Chinese the isounds like long e.
You do not say "Happy Good Friday" in greek.... you actually say "Good Resurrection" which is "Kali Anastasi"
Please and thankyou are ways to show thanks for thing given to you. If that might be food gifts or a person own time. Please and thankyou should alway be said to people that have given or shared with you or your family. It is good remind children with please and thankyou. Q:Why should is say please and thankyou ? A: Because please and thankyou are said to show people you give them thanks for things given. And you will most more likey to be like them people who don't give there thanks.
Acknowledge what the gift is, say thankyou for the --------------. and say something about it that you like or how it will be helpful, anything positive, then say thankyou again.
thank you