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you do not go to school on saturday because you definitely need a break from school atleast 2 days and after school days.

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Q: How do i explain why there shouldn't be Saturday school?
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Should kids go to school on Saturday?

We shouldnt go on a saturday

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because they fall behind in school work

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You shouldnt! school lunches are really unhealthy. bring your own lunch.

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Saturday school isn't abolished in UK

What is Saturday school?

School that occurs on Saturday which is usually a day off. Traditionally school is Monday through Friday.

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To kiss in school, you shouldnt be too outgoing with the kiss. Remember, you are in school. Its best if you have a short friendly kiss and not a long, kiss.

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no chips shouldnt be banned give the chose to children

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What is 7 9ths of 36?

:) Well shouldnt you work it out by yourself??pay attention in school!!:)

How do you say Saturday school in spanish?

This is how you say Saturday school in Spanish la escuela los sábados.

What are the release dates for Saturday School - 2009?

Saturday School - 2009 was released on: USA: 31 December 2009