it is fortnite man it is so better
Fortnite because adults are putting inappropriate stuff on there
YES 100000000000 times better i am an OCTANE main
Watch tutorials on how to get better (especially by Cxel)
In my opinion I think that fortnite is the better game for younger kids (8 to what ever you would like) because there is no gore and just seems more enjoyable for kids. I have also played PUBG and it is a great game for older kids because the graphics are more realistic and so on. Again this is just my opinion.
Question: How do you spell Fortnite? Congrats, you just spelled it my man (F-o-r-t-n-i-t-e)
It is based on your opinion. If you like a cartoonish game then you play fortnite and if you like realistic games then you would like Warzone
Minecraf. Because you have the freedom to build whatever you want, and some people have built amazing things like the entire Sweden. Meanwhile Fortnite is a fairly average multiplayer online shooter.
Minecraft is a lot better. You can build anything and join a community full of great people. Trust me, when you get into Minecraft properly, you’ll fall in love with it.
Genuinely Fortnite Is the better game in popularity with 140 million but in ranking and ratings among us takes the win but among us has more youtubers then fortnite so it is more entertaining but the reason why fortnite has the edge is because they update their game often where as among us barley updates but among us is a social game with friends and fortnite is not as social but overall fortnite takes a small dub because among us has not added anything new for sometime and but when July happens among us might beat fortnite with the new map since fortnite is dying at this moment.
Yes they made a recent video of it in Youtube.