To teach within the public school system you must have a bachelor's degree from a teacher education program and state teacher's certification. There are some alternate routes for individuals who have a bachelor's degree without certification, but it still requires a bachelor's degree. With an associates degree, you can substitute teach.
Most states require you to have at least an Associates degree before you can become a preschool teacher. Sometimes you can start as an assistant teacher and learn under the tutelage of a lead teacher.
Unlike teachers, teacher's aides are not always required to have an undergraduate degree. However, an associate degree in child development will help prepare for teacher's aide positions in daycare centers and organizations that work with children.
The associate degree in dental hygiene is typically an associates in applied science (AAS).
An associates degree is a degree for undergraduate academics given out after completing a 2 year course of study. Just a few of the jobs that you can get in the state of Florida with an associates degree are a registered nurse, paralegal, programmer, dental hygienist, and a respiratory therapist.
a 2 year associates degree
In order to become a teacher for high schools you must have a four year degree. You also have to get a teaching degree.
a teacher becomes a teacher by taking her degree. and then she can teach us
Associates degree at least to become a registered respiratory therapist
Bachelors degree.
Depending on the college you attend, the cost to become a teacher with a bachelor's degree ranges between $30,000 and $50,000. An advanced degree, such as a Master's degree in education to become a specialized teacher, will add between $13,000 and $25,000.
i am a it student. i should'nt want to become a teacher