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Q: How did the Japanese policy of isolation affect Japanese trade?
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What ended when japan opened some of its ports to foreign trade?

When Japan opened some if its ports to foreign trade their long history of isolation ended. So basically, their isolation (or Japanese isolationism) is what ended.

Why did the US shift form policy of isolation to a policy of expansion in the late 1800s?

so they can trade more and get more policy power

How did the Japan policy of isolation affect Japan trade?

economic depression

What led Japan invasion of china?

Its loss of European trade partnersJapan's isolation policy was fully implemented by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the grandson of Ievasu and shogun from 1623 to 1641. He issued edicts that essentially closed Japan to all foreigners and prevented Japanese from leaving.

How does trade policy affect a business?

Trade policy can effect the scope and marketable audience for a business. It can also impact the profit due to export taxes or tariffs. Trade policy can also cause undue competition further reducing sales.

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How did the policy of mercantilism affect global economies?

mercantilism actually help global trade

Why did Japanese policy towards trade and foreigners change over time?

because giant sausages burned the world

What was the effect of japan self imposed isolation?

Japan's two-and-a-half-centuries of self-imposed isolation resulted in an increase in domestic trade and agricultural production. The shogunate imposed this policy of isolation in order to remove the colonial and religious influence of Spain and Portugal.

What important policy did Japanese leaders follow between 1638 and 1853?

Japan maintened its policy isolation for more than 200 years .Isolation ad a profound effect on japan.Without outside influence , Japanese culture turned inward.Still, art and literature spread beyond the upper classes.Artists found new ways to interpret traditions.During this time ,internal trade boomed .Cities grew in size and importance,and some merchand families gained wealth and status By the early 1700's Edo(present -day Tokyo) had a million inhabitats, more than either London or Paris.

How does trade policies affect businesses?

Trade policy can effect the scope and marketable audience for a business. It can also impact the profit due to export taxes or tariffs. Trade policy can also cause undue competition further reducing sales.

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Axum was not isolated from trade