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Q: How could people express themselves?
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Why do people express themselves trough art?

these are people who do not want to express themselves openly but want to express themselve anonamosly

Why was arts and music important in medieval times?

It was the only way that people could express themselves

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Dance was developed so people could express themselves in various ways.

Why do people express themselves?

becase we need to

How do Malaysian people express themselves?

i don't now

Why do people write blues songs?

To express themselves.

What are clothes to people?

Clothes to people are their second skin and people dress the express themselves.

Are comedians allowed to freely express themselves?

They are still same as people.

Should gay people be able to fully express themselves in schools?

Lesbian, gay, transsexual and transgender students should have the same rights to express themselves as heterosexual students.

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Without the freedom to express themselves people can become mentally ill

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It is not advisable to bet on someone. Let people to be themselves and express themselves accordingly.

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Montesquieu did believe people could govern themselves