"We're doing a physiological experiment today."
"The things were considered under the physiological category."
"I believe physiological studies are interesting."
By writing that question you have already created a perfect sentence...well done!
The physiological response to stress includes increased heart rate and sweating.
That aroma always gives me physiological lift.
The physiological tests showed that Mary's heart was defective.
"I went to a school where students are studying on a physiological expierment."
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
Since that is not a word I would not attempt to use it in a sentence.
You just did use the word colonize in a sentence.
You can use the word Terrorist in a sentence as " Muslims are not terrorist ".
How do you use the word decibel in a sentence?What is decibel used for?
can i get a sentence for the word abhorrence