"Permainan" is a Malay word that can translate to "game" in English. Much like the English word, the word "permainan" has many connotations based on the context.
The word pictures is IN English already.
Sure! I can translate this text from English to Spanish.
Notitarde is a word that comes from the Spanish language. In the English language, the word Notitarde doesn't mean anything because the word doesn't translate into English.
The luhya word for the English word tavern does not translate.
She used Google Translate to quickly translate the text from English to Spanish.
The English translation for the word esclavo means slave. It is a Spanish word and when you translate it to English it says slave. You can use Google Translate for this kind of words.
To translate the word Amindi into English the origination of the word must be known. Without a language or origin a random word cannot be translated.
I can translate the document from English to Spanish.
It means 'English'.
Iepa does not translate to English.
jules is already an English word.